Although most of us would consider ourselves to be safe drivers, the majority of motorists will choose to bend the rules of the road from time to time. In fact, 86% of drivers believe it’s safe to drive at least 10 miles per hour over the speed limit on the highway. You might also believe that speeding is inherently safer than drunk driving. And while you may be right in certain cases, the law isn’t always so forgiving to drivers who travel at high speeds.
The truth is that even if you aren’t involved in a crash, you could face legal repercussions for the choices you make behind the wheel. If you’ve been pulled over for a speeding ticket — an event that countless drivers experience each year — you might assume that it’s best to pay the fine and move on. But what you might not realize is that you could benefit from hiring a motor vehicle attorney for your traffic ticket.
Technically, it’s not essential to hire a speeding lawyer to fight a traffic ticket. But just because it isn’t required doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t seek out help from a motor vehicle attorney. There are a number of compelling reasons to have a lawyer represent you in traffic court.
One good reason to hire a reputable lawyer for speeding NJ residents trust is that they can often appear on your behalf. In most cases, you’ll have to miss work in order to appear in traffic court. This can range from a mild inconvenience to a major problem for your employment. Keep in mind that traffic court isn’t usually a five-minute process; in some cases, you could be forced to wait around for hours until your case is called. While there are certain circumstances that will require your physical presence in traffic court, the option to rely on your attorney can save you time and reduce stress.
A motor vehicle attorney also has the experience necessary to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. While there are no guarantees when it comes to reducing fines or having the case dismissed, your lawyer will have the knowledge required to ensure all avenues are explored thoroughly. When you represent yourself, your lack of experience might mean a much different ending for your case. It’s also important to remember that the mere presence of a motor vehicle attorney might be enough to rattle a prosecutor or sway a judge in your favor. After all, when you take your case seriously enough to proclaim your innocence in this fashion, this can make your lawyer’s argument even more compelling.
A traffic ticket might not seem like a life-changing event — but for many Americans, the outcome can have major ramifications. What’s more, the costs of hiring a traffic lawyer can be incredibly reasonable (and well worth the investment in the event of a positive outcome). For more information on how a qualified attorney can help fight your speeding ticket or other traffic-related offense, please contact us today.